must depend on environment, failures, being self confident and choosing a role
model for life although it is
misunderstood by the society from past to present inasmuch as it is thought that schools are the only place where people can learn
something important for their life and the information is acquired from just teachers. First of all,
students can learn knowledge by experiencing or observing. Thus, teachers must
allow them to learn by themselves. To exemplify, teachers can set forth a
problem to students. They do not tell them how it will be solved. Then,
students can learn about the problem by investigating from libraries or people
who have information about it. Secondly, students should be thought that making
mistakes is not an irreversible thing. To illustrate, when teachers give
students a task that they will do it for the first time, they can fail.
Nevertheless, making mistakes is usual since mistakes are steps that provide
them to become successful. When they do the same task again, they will do
better owing to their experiences. Thirdly, students should be guided to choose
a role model whom they will stimulate. For instance, teachers want students to
identify someone who is respectful and dedicated himself forthe sake of
other people in their life and want students to prepare a video about these
people thatthey chose by using their own voices. In this way, they will believe
in themselves because they express their ideas clearly. All in all, education
should be related to environment, open to mistakes and it should give students
to self-confidence and help them to choose a role model who will shape their
25 Kasım 2015 Çarşamba
In “7 Ways to Develop Good Habits in Language Learning”, a
blogger who is the writer of this article states the reasons of
developing good habits in introduction of paragraph and then how
we will be able to improve ourselves in learning a language. He explains the
effective ways of language learning. This article consists of seven
ways which are forming goals, physically assign a place for
studying, pacing yourself, making use of dead time, taking on a 30-day
challenge, improving your self-control and knowing yourself. There are some
points that I agree with the writer of this article published in a
blog since I believe that this article will guide me about what I
should pay attention to learning a language. First of all, I should determine
my goals and know myself. To illustrate, I can choose a goal that is specific
and achievable. Instead of thinking of learning a new language
immediately, I should limit myself, e.g., I want to learn basic
knowledge about language such as vocabularies used in the daily life
or sentences that provides me to communicate with a foreign. In this way, I am
not disappointed unless I dream like speaking new language
fluently. Additionally, I should know which method is the best for
my effective learning. Because of the fact that every people has a different
learning style, I should choose a effective learning style such as watching
foreign movies, vocabulary cards, listening foreign music or taking
notes. I shouldn’t compare myself with other people for they can
learn faster and easier than me. Comparing myself with other people
causes only frustration and disappointment. Secondly, I should choose a
appropriate place for studying and learn to use my time efficiently.
To exemplify, if I choose a place, I can focus on my task, however,
I can be careful about which there is nothing to distract my attention.
In addition to this, while I am going somewhere, I can value my time by
listening some short videos or music. I can prepare myself a
working plan and I should try to study in a planned way. In
conclusion, determining my goals, knowing myself, choosing a place for studying
and using time efficiently are issues that I have consensus on with writer of
the article. I believe that these suggestions will help everyone to
learn a language effectively.
1) Living with real zombies would be both frightening and exciting.
2) Neither will Julie's dead boyfriend come back nor will Julie live at the end of the film.
3) Zombie movies are so popular among not only adults but also children.
4) Both R and Julie have a great life in the film.
2) Neither will Julie's dead boyfriend come back nor will Julie live at the end of the film.
3) Zombie movies are so popular among not only adults but also children.
4) Both R and Julie have a great life in the film.
1) My friends are neither anxious to see the items in the museum nor happy to pay admission price.
2) At my training session, I was taught not only how to work the register, but also how to treat customers courteously.
4) Bert will meet us either at the restaurant or at the taxi stand.
5) The understudy had bright green eyes, a great mass of blonde hair, and red face.
6) When winter comes, the Joneses will have to find either a warmer house or a wood stove.
7) When Moe was in high school, his parents a good deal of time not only helping him with his homework assignments but also participating with him in school activities.
8) It is better to be happy than to be sad.
9) The word for left means "deceitful" in Italian, "awkward" in German, "malicious" in Spanish, and "sneaky" in Russian.
10) The contract was illegible, lengthy, and awkward.
11) To think that you can do anything is to deceive yourself.
12) Aspiring actors go to Hollywood to become stars and to make money.
13) The tourists amused themselves by playing shuffleboard, watching plays, and going to trendy restaurants in the center of the city.
14) Before you order anything, you should check not only the purchasing agent but also the controller.
15) The radiologist examined the MRI both with care and competence.
16) Please return the medical records to either Dr. Jones or Dr. Maclntyre.
17) This sofa is better for beauty, for appearance, and for comfort.
18) Succeeding at something is not necessarily the same as getting what you need.
19) The process seemed to Beth both boring and annoying.
2) At my training session, I was taught not only how to work the register, but also how to treat customers courteously.
4) Bert will meet us either at the restaurant or at the taxi stand.
5) The understudy had bright green eyes, a great mass of blonde hair, and red face.
6) When winter comes, the Joneses will have to find either a warmer house or a wood stove.
7) When Moe was in high school, his parents a good deal of time not only helping him with his homework assignments but also participating with him in school activities.
8) It is better to be happy than to be sad.
9) The word for left means "deceitful" in Italian, "awkward" in German, "malicious" in Spanish, and "sneaky" in Russian.
10) The contract was illegible, lengthy, and awkward.
11) To think that you can do anything is to deceive yourself.
12) Aspiring actors go to Hollywood to become stars and to make money.
13) The tourists amused themselves by playing shuffleboard, watching plays, and going to trendy restaurants in the center of the city.
14) Before you order anything, you should check not only the purchasing agent but also the controller.
15) The radiologist examined the MRI both with care and competence.
16) Please return the medical records to either Dr. Jones or Dr. Maclntyre.
17) This sofa is better for beauty, for appearance, and for comfort.
18) Succeeding at something is not necessarily the same as getting what you need.
19) The process seemed to Beth both boring and annoying.
22 Kasım 2015 Pazar
14 Kasım 2015 Cumartesi
A Freshman Year Guide to
Different Student Academic Expectations written by Naomi Rockler-Gladen
states that college life is thougher than high school because of several main reasons
that include managing time ,studying more,standing on your own feet about
financial issues.There are some points that I agree with the author of the
article.First of all , according to this article, college life is more
difficult because you have to study more if you want to get an academical
success and I think so,too.To exemplify, Teachers at the high school have been giving
you lecture notes and you could understand many things at lecture,but now you
must study 2-3 hours outside of class for every hour in class .
Secondly, you must learn managing time . To illustrate , teachers tell you what
they will teach every week but at college you have to know what you
will learn at next lesson because they give you a syllabus and you are responsible
to know it.Thirdly, You are far away your family and you have to do some daily responsibilities
like chores . Additionally, you must learn to save money .In conclusion, That managing
time , studying more and standing on your own feet is important is that I have
consensus on with the author of the article.Apart from all these, this article
has many benefits that asist me over.The first advantage of article is that it
provides me to see difficulties that I will always meet at college life .The
second advantage is that it shows me how I will overcome these

Adjusting to College shared at http://www.ncsu/counseling_center/resources/personal/personal_growth/adjusting_college.htm.
states the changes that newcomers to
universities will be able to meet. The writer not only points out the changes
which are new environment and relationships, greater personal freedom, added
responsibility and changing relationships, but also the challenges which are
time management, academic performance, roommate conflict, long distance dating
relationships and body image. Besides, the writer gives some recommendations
for them. When I analyzed the article in terms of language, content and relevance to my life,
it has a really well-developed organization. First of all, the language of the
article was so easy that I only looked at dictionary for words a few times. It
was understandable and informative. I think that anyone doesn’t have a
difficulty in understanding it. The writer used description and exposition
techniques to explain problems and give recommendations. To exemplify, the
writer tells everything item by item while giving recommendations which are
being patient, connect with other students, getting involved, utilize resources
and caring for ourselves. Secondly, the content of the article is related to
college life, so I think that it is so relevant my daily life. To illustrate,
when I came to the university, I felt alone and I could not get used to the
city and university life. Somehow I overcame these challenges. Additionaly, I
believe that these challenges help me to stand on my own feet and to have friends
who are from different backgrounds and cultures. In conclusion, the language
and the content of the article were so easy to understand , and it is relevant
to our life completely.
11 Kasım 2015 Çarşamba
Exercise 7: Identifying Complex and Compound-Complex Sentences
1. IC Energy
conservation has become extremely important DC because millions of energy-consuming
devices are in use every day. Complex Sentence
2. DC When builders
construct new homes, IC they
should install solar panels and other passive solar devices and as many
energy-saving appliances as possible. Complex Sentence
3. DC Although
energy-efficient appliances cost more, IC their use results in long-term
savings for the owner, IC and
the environment benefits, too.
4. DC Because
legislators have enacted certain laws, IC all new cars must be energy
efficient. Complex
5. DC When cars use less
gas, IC the air is
cleaner, IC and
people may have less trouble breathing. Compound-Complex Sentence
6. DC Though sulfur
pollution is a threat to human health, IC it also damages lakes, wildlife, and
buildings. Complex
7. DC Although water
power can generate electricity, IC hydroelectric dams may cause floods
on farmland, in forests, and in wildlife areas.
8. IC We must always
find ways of producing more goods, DC but at the same time we must reduce the
amount of energy that IC we consume in producing those goods. Compound-Complex
9. IC Conservation and
solar power are the keys to a safe future, DC so we must cautiously use the
devices that cool, heat, and transport us. Complex Sentence
10. DC Because our natural resources clearly
cannot last forever, IC we
must find better ways of conserving them. Complex Sentence
8 Kasım 2015 Pazar
Exercise 3: Identifying Simple and Compound Sentences Climbing Mount Everest
IC Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay, his
Sherpa guide, were the first conquerors of Mount Everest.
Simple Sentence
IC Norgay was already a well-known
mountaineer, IC but
Hillary’s experience had been limited to climbing in ice and snow in New
Compound Sentence
IC Norgay was tall and strong, IC and Hillary liked the Sherpa’s friendly attitude.
Compound Sentence
IC Hillary, Norgay, and all the other members of
the expedition looked for the easiest and safest route to the top of Mount
Simple Sentence
IC Today climbers look for greater challenges and
choose the more difficult routes.
Simple Sentence
IC Hillary once had traveled overland to the
South Pole and also had followed the Ganges River to its source.
Simple Sentence
IC The public and
the media had shown considerable interest in Hillary.
Simple Sentence
IC Fame came with Hillary’s successful
ascent of Mount Everest, IC and afterward he raised money for
the Sherpa people of Nepal.
Compound Sentence
IC They had
helped Hillary, IC and in return he generously helped them.
Compound Sentence
IC Hillary gave lectures and raised funds for schools,
hospitals, clinics, bridges, water pipelines, and airstrips in Nepal.
Simple Sentence
Exercise 4: Writing Simple Sentences
1.Robert E. Peary was a brave man. He explored arctic
Answer: Robert E.
Peary was a brave man and explored arctic regions.
2.He made his first expedition to Greenland in 1886. Later
he made several other trips there.
Answer: He made his first expedition to Greenland in
1886 yet made several other trips there.
3.Peary planned a trip to the North Pole. He announced his
plans in 1898.
Answer: Peary planned a trip to the North Pole so
announced his plans in 1898.
4. He made the trip
with his assistant, Matthew Henson. Peary’s team also included four Inuit.
Answer: He made the trip with his assistant,Matthew
Henson, and four Inuit.
5. Peary succeeded
in reaching his goal. He arrived at the North Pole on April 6, 1909.
Answer: Peary succeeded in reaching his goal and
arrived at the North Pole on April 6, 1909.
Exercise 5: Writing Compound Sentences
Robert E. Peary was a brave man. He explored
arctic regions.
Robert E. Peary was a brave man, and he
explored arctic regions.
He made his first expedition to Greenland in
1886. Later he made several other trips there.
He made his first expedition to Greenland
in 1886, yet later he made several other trips there.
Peary planned a trip to the North Pole. He
announced his plans in 1898.
Peary planned a trip to the North Pole, so
he announced his plans in 1898.
He made the trip with his assistant, Matthew
Henson. Peary’s team also included four Inuit.
He made the trip with his assistant,
Matthew Henson and Peary’s team also included four Inuit.
Peary succeeded in reaching his goal. He arrived
at the North Pole on April 6, 1909.
Peary succeeded in reaching his goal and he
arrived at the North Pole on April 6, 1909.
2 Kasım 2015 Pazartesi
“Imagine“ by Şevval ÇAYLAK
there is love eveywhere
It’s too clear if you look around
No hole
below us
Above us
only sky
all the people
with love
there is no pain
It isn’t
hard to see
to hurt or sadden
And no cruelty
all the people
with love
You may
say I’m an optimist
But I’m
not the only one
I hope
someday you’ll belive me
And the
world will be paradise
no war
Think if
you can
No need
for evil or murder
brotherhood of man
all the people
with love
You may
say I’m an optimist
But I’m
not the only one
I hope
someday you’ll belive me
And the
world will be paradise
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