25 Kasım 2015 Çarşamba


1) My friends are neither anxious to see the items in the museum nor happy to pay admission price.
2) At my training session, I was taught not only how to work the register, but also how to treat customers courteously.
4) Bert will meet us either at the restaurant or at the taxi stand.
5) The understudy had bright green eyes, a great mass of blonde hair, and red face.
6) When winter comes, the Joneses will have to find either a warmer house or a wood stove.
7) When Moe was in high school, his parents a good deal of time not only helping him with his homework assignments but also participating with him in school activities.
8) It is better to be happy than to be sad.
9) The word for left means "deceitful" in Italian, "awkward" in German, "malicious" in Spanish, and "sneaky" in Russian.
10) The contract was illegible, lengthy, and awkward.
11) To think that you can do anything is to deceive yourself.
12) Aspiring actors go to Hollywood to become stars and to make money.
13) The tourists amused themselves by playing shuffleboard, watching plays, and going to trendy restaurants in the center of the city.
14) Before you order anything, you should check not only the purchasing agent but also the controller.
15) The radiologist examined the MRI both with care and competence.
16) Please return the medical records to either Dr. Jones or Dr. Maclntyre.
17) This sofa is better for beauty, for appearance, and for comfort.
18) Succeeding at something is not necessarily the same as getting what you need.
19) The process seemed to Beth both boring and annoying.

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